Studio Ed est un OBNL, dirigé par Laurel Koop, qui se dédie à la créativité, au jeu et à la célébration de tous les corps. Nous organisons des programmes multi-ages et multi-niveaux. Jetez un coup d’œil à nos prochaines activités :
Studio Ed is a not-for-profit, run by Laurel Koop, dedicated to creativity, play, and celebration of all bodies. We run programs for multi-age and multi-levels. Check out some of our upcoming stuff:
Thank yous…
The projects that I have been cooking up at Studio ED these last two years would not exist without the help of some incredible people. These are folks who have supported me, worked with me, given me feedback and who continue to teach me invaluable things. Thank you to Leanne Dyer, my original collaborator at Studio ED. I have learned so much through my ongoing collaboration with Nadine Forde has become one of the backbones of the studio. Nadine’s teaching and approach to strength training (check out Beefcake Strength: From the Ground Up and Queer Lifting Club) are so awesome, I don’t have words for how this has changed my own relationship to my body, as well as to what feels possible at the studio, I love dreaming and scheming with you. I have had amazing teaching collaborations with Chava Field-Green (the quiet comedian, thank you for coining the phrase “for kids and kids at heart”) as well as Maxine Segalowitz (master of experimentation, always bringing the energy, hyping me up when I am down). Thank you to Kelly Keenan, you have been an incredible teacher and friend and supporter, so much of my teaching style is influenced by your adventurousness and body wisdom. And lastly but not leastly I want to name my incredible Frentor (friend/family/mentor) Eroca Nicols, well the list is endless, but I wanna start by saying that you have taught me the most about unconditional love, and I would not be anywhere near where I am without that. Also, thank you so much for all of your teaching around consent as an ongoing project (not something we achieve in relationships or perfect). A lot of the language and vision that structures the studio has its roots in stuff I have learned from you about race, privilege, class and ability; in specific a lot of the language I use in describing the sliding scale and BIPOC rates comes from you.