Studio Ed est un centre communautaire dans le Mile End à but non lucratif, géré par des queers. Nous nous consacrons à la créativité, au jeu et à la célébration de tous les corps. Nous organisons de nombreux programmes différents, du Club Musclé Queer PWYC à toutes sortes de cours organisés par le Collectif d’Enseignant.e.s Queer, ainsi que les programmes Superhero pour les enfants! Nous accueillons également Black Gxrl Sesh en tant que collectif en résidence.
Studio Ed is a not-for-profit, queer-run community centre in the Mile End. We are dedicated to creativity, play, and celebration of all bodies. We run lots of different programs from PWYC Queer Lifting Club to all sorts of classes run by the Queer Teacher’s Collective as well as the Superhero Moves programs for kids! We also host Black Gxrl Sesh as our Collective-in-residence.
Thank yous…
The projects that I have been cooking up at Studio ED these last two years would not exist without the help of some incredible people. These are folks who have supported me, worked with me, given me feedback and who continue to teach me invaluable things. Thank you to Leanne Dyer, my original collaborator at Studio ED. To Nadine (aka beefcake strength) who has become one of the backbones of the studio; Nadine’s teaching and approach to strength training are so awesome, I love dreaming and scheming with you. Big thank yous to Ethan who is my co-conspirator and has helped with so many parts of the studio, and mostly with revitalizing all the kids programming. Thanks to Chava, the quiet comedian who coined the phrase “for kids and kids at heart”, as well as Maxine and all of our experiments over the years at the studio. Thanks to Kelly Keenan, an incredible teacher, friend and supporter. And thank you to my friend/family/mentor Eroca Nicols for all the things; in particular a lot of the language, vision and structure of the studio comes from conversations and stuff I have learned from you. -Laurel